
27 December 2006


Size: 48" Wide x 36" Tall
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

No Longer Available

Every glyph, word and symbol in this painting means 7, in one language or another.

The graceful backward-S’s are Sanskrit. The 2 vertical lines and the 5-petaled flower are 7 in one of the African languages.

The square (4 sides) with the triangle (3 sides) = 7.

What may appear to be crosses is the Chinese glyph for 7.

7 = The Canopy of Heaven. Seven rhymes with heaven. (And the numeral 7, when flipped over, makes an "L" which rhymes with hell.)

7 is the Holy Number.

7 days in the week, 7 phases of the moon, 7 graces, 7 deadly sins, 7 senses, 7 virtues, 7 precious things of the Buddhists, 7 sacraments, 7 wonders of the world, 7 visible planets, the 7 year itch, the 7 hills of Rome, Snow White and the 7 dwarves.

7 is a prime number
73 is a prime number
739 is a prime number
7393 is a prime number
73939 is a prime number
739391 is a prime number
7393913 is a prime number
73939133 is a prime number

A square piece of paper cannot be folded in half more than 7 times.

The opposite sides of a die cube always add up to 7.

Synonyms for 7 in India: horses, mountains, the sages, the vowels, the 7 oceans, the island-continents, and the idea of "wind" can evoke the # 7.

Words for 7 in lots of different languages: sapta, hapta, sipta, spat, schichi, nana, nanatsu, bay, sibun, ewhtn, hepta, septem, siete, sept, shapte, secht, saith, seiz, sfkh, zeven, siau, sju, seven, siben, sieben, sedmi, siedem, septyni, zayin, schevet, schabbat

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