Painting Title: Two
42" w x 34" t Diptych (each piece is 21" x 34")
Acrylic on Board
To evoke a sense of the number 2, this piece was painted on 2 panels. The 21" width and 34" height are in the Fibonacci Series of numbers, making their relationship approximating the Golden Ratio…the space is then divided into that relationship. The lower portion has strips of space that are broken down into Fibonacci Series dimensions also. The 2 large black dots were the Glyph used by the Mayans to depict the number 2. It is important to retain a sense of humor when dealing with all this, so included in this painting is this bit of silliness which reads: tea for two, couples, dos equis which is pretty good beer…2 sides to every story, 2 sides of the bed which actually has four, as well as 2 halves in a whole, 2 ends to every length, and humans have 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 2 breasts. The 2 of Clubs is the lowest card in the deck. If you wear a tu-tu, you might dance a pas de deux. 2 wings on a bird. 2 tusks on an elephant. A 2 is necessary for the concept of opposites. It’s the first even number. Words for the number 2 in different languages used throughout the painting: Ancient Greek: duo Anglo-Saxon: twegen Aramaic: tareyn Armenian: erku Avestan: bae Baltic: dy, dyj Breton: diou Chinese: er Danish: to Dutch: twee English: two, distich, deuce, double,doubleton, due, duo, pair, twain, yoke, binary, brace, couple, couplet, duad, dyad, span, twosome French: dau German: zweni Old High German: zwene Gothic: twai, twa Hebrew: bet Italian: deux Indian: dvi, ashvin, yamala, Yugala, netra, bahu, Yama, qulphau, paksha Japanese: ni, putatu Korean: tul Latin/Roman: dos Lithuanian: du, dvi Oscan: duo, duae Old Erse: dau Old Icelandic: tveir Old Saxon: twene Polish: dwa Romanian: do Russian: dvau, dva, dvi Church Slavonic: duva, duve Sanskrit: dvau, dva, dvi Scots Gaelic: dwy, dau Spanish: doi, dos Swedish: tva Thai: song Tokharian A: ta Tokharian B: wu, we Welsh: dow
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