
12 July 2010

One Squared, aka Homage to the Weed

Title:  One Squared, Homage to the Weed      
Size:  34" Wide x 55" Tall
Medium:  Oil on Canvas

Date:  JUL 2010

No Longer Available

We have this bizarre concept that we're individuals.  We think of ourselves as separate.  See the man?  He's like the number 1....alone, singular, even vertical and narrow....and they both hide themselves.  The man (or statue) turns his back as if rejecting the rest of this overgrown world.
     The Weed, on the other hand, stakes its claim to this handful of dirt.  A lowly weed, but straight and bold...certain of its place, understanding of its oneness in a way the man cannot...the oneness of pure consciousness.  Without thought.  It has no concept of separateness and so is closer to what is real than all our thoughts added together.

     Plants frequently --- not always --- follow the Fibonacci series of numbers in their growth patterns and in their symmetry.  If you count the number of leaves on a plant, you'll find the Fibonacci numbers...1 - canna blossom, 2 - a pair of opposite leaves,  3 - a clover leaf, 5 - the pentagon shape in an apple core...or 55 seeds going in one direction & 89 seeds going in the opposite direction in a sunflower. 

     I call this painting ONE SQUARED because...well, you can't really turn a one into a square, but I already painted ONE painting called, in contemplating calling it One, II, ONE TWO, ONE SECOND or ...well...ONE SQUARED came into my consciousness.  ONE times ONE is always ONE.  To square it is as insignificant as adding insignificant as a WEED.

This particular weed is Vicia grandiflora, commonly known as Vetch.

Available through Brunner Gallery at

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